October 2023


March to UN - 10/9/24

42nd St - 10/9/23


Time Square - 10/13/23


Bay Ridge - 10/21/23


Foley Square - 10/26/23




New York Public Library - 11/9/23


Washington Square - 11/3/23


March on Washington


300,000 people marched on Washington D.C and the White House,

calling for an end to the bombardment of Gaza.

November 4th, 2023


Lockheed Martin Facility seen from the train to D.C - 11/4/23


Vigil at the White House gates - 11/4/23




Williamsburg - 12/5/23


Williamsburg Bridge roadway - 12/5/23


March to Wall St - 12/8/23


Brooklyn Bridge - 12/9/23


Wall St - 12/9/23


Brooklyn - 12/20/23




New year, no end in sight


March to UN - 1/14/24


Aftermath of a protest outside Henry Kissenger’s Funeral - 1/25/24


Crowd reacting to organizer being arrested for using a megaphone, Brooklyn - 1/27/24


Flatbush Avenue - 1/27/24




Rally outside Columbia University organized by Within Our Lifetime, February 2nd 2024.

This particular rally was called in response to former IDF soldiers spraying skunk spray on protesting Columbia students.


Broadway and 116th - 2/2/24


Arrest on Broadway - 2/2/24


Williamsburg - 2/23/24


Senator Chuck Schumer at Lunar New Year parade, shortly before being confronted by Palestinian solidarity protestors on E. Broadway - 2/25/24

Netanyahu and Biden - 2/4/24


5th Avenue - 2/7/24


8th Avenue and 42nd - 2/4/24




Protest outside a Democratic Party fundraiser with Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton speaking - Radio City 3/28/24


Fundraiser attendees convincing a cop to let them in, flanked by protestors, 6th Avenue - 3/28/24


Ariel K. - 3/28/24


6th Ave - 2/28/24


Land Day, Time Square - 3/30/24


Israeli Flag burning by Haredi Orthodox group Neturei Karta, South Williamsburg, Purim - 3/24/24

After flag burning, Purim in Williamsburg - 3/24/24


Hands off Rafah Rally, Washington Square - 3/2/23


Washington Square - 3/2/24

Signs and relics

Last words of Aaron Bushnell who self immolated in D.C on February 25th. Brooklyn 3/2/24


April at Columbia University & nyc encampments


On April 17th 2024, after six months of a genocide unfolding with no end, students from Columbia University setup tents on the Eastern Lawn as a protest encampment against the decimation in Gaza. Their demands included an end to the onslaught, financial divestment from Israel, academic boycotts, and to end displacements and land grabs in the West Bank. Their actions inspired a nationwide encampment movement at other universities in New York, California, Texas, North Carolina, Minnesota, Massachusetts and more.


East Butler Lawn - 4/19/24


Norman Finkelstein addressing students - 4/19/24


Signs - 4/22/24


NYU constructs a wall to keep out further encampments after having the NYPD sweep and arrest their students - 4/24/24


Columbia Outskirts - 4/19/24


Press line for campus entry the day of a University imposed deadline to vacate the encampment - 4/29/24


Press on campus right as the University’s deadline expires - 4/29/24


On the night of April 29th, the students who had been occupying Columbia’s eastern lawn for 12 days took over Hamilton hall. They renamed it Hind’s Hall after Hind Rijab, the 6 year old girl murdered in Gaza by the IDF. Her family had been killed hours earlier by shelling, and she was left trapped in the car alone. She stayed on the phone with Red Crescent paramedics trying to reach her until both Hind, and the medics, were gunned down by an Israeli tank.


Stuents waiving their Keffiyehs from their window - 6:43 PM on 4.30.24


Amsterdam Avenue side of Columbia’s campus - 4.30.24


Raid on hind’s hall April 30th 2024


The Hind’s Hall encampment came to an end on the last day of April. After following another organization’s protest up Broadway to the 116th gates, the NYPD began fencing off an enormous perimeter around the entirety of Columbia’s campus. We knew then that they were going to raid the hall and sweep the campus that night.


7:28 PM


9:02 PM


9:10 PM


9:18 PM


9:26 PM


9:33 PM


Strategic Response Group staging on 114th and Broadway


Dragging barricades to slow police advance

Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicle on it’s way to breach the second floor of Hind’s Hall.

Emergency Service Unit (ESU) on top equipped with drills and other breaching equipment.


NYPD entering another building to access campus. This group had riot shields, circular saws, pry bars, zip ties and more.


Cops entering second floor of Hind’s Hall using and extendable ladder from the roof of the MRAP


In a period of constant heartbreak and sorrow, I think everyone who saw this felt their stomach drop to a new low. Watching our hyper-militarized police force bring out all of their tanks, weapons and toys to play soldier, brutalizing and arresting young students who wanted nothing more than the unbelievable horrors we’re all seeing every day to end, for their University to cut its ties with the murderous regime responsible, and for the people of Gaza and Palestine to be able to live normal, healthy, dignified lives.

When you zoom out to that goal, and then find yourself in the belly of the beast that makes this genocide possible, 50 feet from a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected 20 foot tall tank as it deploys its ladder-arm, like a twisted-bizzaro fire engine bringing death instead of life, to breach a second floor window and send in it’s brown-panted-goons, to throw those kids down stairs and into buses, well something a little extra breaks inside.

And then something breaks again when you see a photo of a different type of tent, out of Rafah, one belonging to a refugee fleeing other parts of Gaza. It has a message written on the side with green spray paint:

“From Rafah we send you strength. The students give us hope”

Is this what they get for marching and screaming in the streets everyday for six months, and for years before, screaming til’ they’re hoarse that this must end? For screaming at a government that doesn’t listen, doesn’t care and doesn’t have to? Screaming to a system that won’t change and barely hears them? I guess that’s what they get for wanting a better world, for now we’re stuck with this one.

One day we won’t be.


Morning after on Amsterdam Ave, a sign that’s been run over all night. - 5/1/24


 This raid was on April 30th, 2024.

In one of those twists of fate that should probably teach its observers something, 56 years ago exactly, to the day, the NYPD raided that same Hamilton Hall on the same campus, to sweep and clear the same students. Only their cause at the time was to end the near-genocidal war in Vietnam, stop campus military recruitment, and prevent their school from expanding further into Harlem. Over five decades later and the young people of our time, those with a future to lose, a world to win, and hearts that haven’t been turned to solid ice quite yet, are once again doing what little they can to throw a wrench in the cogs of the U.S imperial machine that they’ve watched roll fire and death over the earth for their entire lifetimes.  


What remains

UN on the first day of the General Assembly - 9/10/24


Where the images from this essay were made 2023-2024


When was it too much for you? Decades ago? 2006, 2014, 2021? When they killed Shireen Abu Akleh and then beat the pallbearers at her funeral? In October? When the hospital was bombed killing hundreds, or when every University in Gaza was destroyed, or the water treatment buildings, or the sewage plants, or the mosques, churches, schools, shelters, UN facilities, aid worker vehicles, ambulances, refugee camps, or when all that was gone, when they simply bombed the tents?

What is there to say after all this? As I’m writing, we’re less than two weeks away from October 7th. By some estimates there could be as many as 200,000 dead in Gaza by now, the Health Ministry stopped being able to update their numbers months ago. The entirety of the Gaza strip has been turned to rubble, 35% of the buildings were destroyed back in February, who knows what that number is now. The scale of the destruction I really cannot fathom. Israel now faces north, killing over 500 in Lebanon in just a day with a wave of air strikes, and Netanyahu is in the city I’m writing this from to address the UN.

In any sane world, this fascist state would be toppled by a coalition of countries that can’t stand to see this go on any longer. There are millions, billions, of us who can’t stand to see it go on but we don’t have our hands on the levers of power. All these demonstrations, as John Berger would put it, “..express political ambitions before the political means necessary to realize them have been created.” But by the time those conditions are met, it will be too late. It was too late a long time ago. For a year we’ve seen massacre after massacre after massacre, whole family trees being erased in an instant with the flick of a pilots wrist. How many in the time it takes to write this? 

What else can we do? We do not live in a democracy, nothing the mass majority of people believe in and want translates to any change in policy whatsoever. Biden could make one phone call and end this, but he doesn’t, he sends them more bombs. Now his successor will continue that legacy. All you can say to the people of Gaza is,

I’m so sorry we failed you.

We need a ceasefire immediately and so much more than that we need a complete arms embargo, complete denormalization, high court war crimes and genocide tribunals, a return of the land and a changing of everything that allowed this past year to occur. In years and decades to come when we look back on this time, do not give those responsible an inch. They are butchers through and through, every single one of them. They have helped kill an entire people. Time will temper people’s memories but not ours. Their rose tinted glasses are soaked with blood.

I’ve spent the last year at every protest, gathering, speech, march, vigil, and sit in I could get to because I don’t know what else to do. We owe the people of Gaza at least that, to be there and to care and to yell until your voice is gone that you want their suffering to end. 

I know I’ll share the earth with a free Palestine.

You can’t give up on them.

Thank you to my friend Zach, to the Palestinian Youth Movement, Students for Justice in Palestine, Within Our Lifetime, Al Awda, and everyone else who has not let New Yorkers and the world forget what it means to be human.


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